
Lebenshilfe Marburg - Standpunkte

Working for an inclusive society

Working for an inclusive society

Our mission is to represent the interests of people with disabilities and their families. The vision of an inclusive society, the dismantling of social and environmental barriers and our unwavering commitment to the realisation of human rights are the starting points for everything we do. We are a strong community and a major social force working for respect, recognition and acceptance and we take action to combat the disadvantages and exclusion faced by people with disabilities and their families. We demand that people receive the individual support they need for their particular circumstances.

In line with our role as a self-help association, a professional body and an association of organisations offering assistance to people with disabilities, we make our position in support of an inclusive society clear to members of the public and policymakers through our policy documents and campaigns.

Ein inklusives Bildungssystem zu schaffen, das den individuellen Zugang zu allgemeinen Bildungsangeboten für alle sichert, ist eine der Kernaussagen der UN-BRK (Artikel 24). Wie dies gelingen kann und was die Lebenshilfe dafür tun muss, zeigt diese Positionsbestimmung, die anlässlich des 50jährigen Bestehens des Landesverbands 2015 erarbeitet wurde.