Specialist advice - Benefit from our experience: advice for specialists and managers working with people with disabilities
During careers spent working with people with disabilities, specialists and managers face tough challenges, often linked to changes in the profession and in social law. To ensure you are still able to do your job, our specialist advisers are on hand with their experience and knowledge to offer advice. We look forward to providing support on issues around education, managing staff, legal issues, implementing a new project, PR work and other aspects.
Advice is free to Lebenshilfe members. We have professional experience in the following areas:
- voluntary work
- early childhood, assistance/family support services
- finance
- management and organisational development
- education
- psychology, psychomotricity
- law
- school assistance
- access to working life
- accommodation.
In addition to offering personal advice, we publish guides/articles and policy statements that contain important information for your work.
Focus: Inclusion in children’s day care facilities – the Paritätische network for specialist advice to children’s day care facilities
With PARITÄTISCHE in Hesse, the Workers’ Samaritan Association (ASB), the Child Protection Association and the Association of Bi-National Families and Partnerships, we have joined together in Hesse to form the PARITÄTISCHE network for specialist advice to children’s day care facilities.
In our network we give Paritätische day care facilities in Hesse support and specialist advice on general issues and in the focus areas of inclusion, intercultural education, quality development and child protection. Landesverband Lebenshilfe in Hessen e.V. offers the network its experience in the area of inclusion in particular. You can find out more from our specialist adviser Martina Kratzheller.