Legal advice – knowing your rights: a special service
People with disabilities, their families, specialists and managers face numerous legal issues in ensuring participation in society. Lebenshilfe Landesverband Hessen e.V. supports members and member organisations by offering special and comprehensive legal advice. We want people with disabilities to know their rights and we provide advice on issues around benefits, care and inheritance law for example. We know how complex nursing care, sickness and pension insurance schemes are, but we are also aware of the opportunities these insurance schemes offer people with disabilities. We would be happy to put our experience and knowledge to good use by supporting you during your application and opposition proceedings. We are here for you during the various stages in your life and for all kinds of situations and look forward to you getting in touch.
You’re in good hands with us
Our lawyer, Peter Dietrich, has several years’ experience of advising people with disabilities, their families, full-time professionals and managers too. In addition to his personal experience, Peter Dietrich works with lawyers in Lebenshilfe’s federal association so that your enquiry is in good hands with us and you receive the latest comprehensive advice. Naturally your enquiry will be dealt with in confidence.
Some questions and answers are of interest to many people
Since there questions that frequently get asked and the answers to them are of interest to many people, we publish legal information, articles and statements. In 2014 we examined the law on the complex topic of financing of independent living for people with a need for a high level of support and summarised the options available in our finance guide. This guide and other legal articles can be downloaded from the Our mission section of this website.